Zbor Gaming
COD: Modern Warfare

M19 – Unlocking Gold Camo

Unlocking M19 Gold Camo

Before we get to the rest of the post content, I’d like to point out the update that came to the Camo Category page with the release of patch 1.14. You now can see on the page how many of each pattern you have unlocked without having to go into each pattern on their own. This was a really nice added feature. See the image below which shows this.

Camo Category Page

Update: Unlocked Gold finally for the M19, my first Pistol at Gold. Did it in hardcore mode, basically totally sacrificing K/D to try to get headshots at distance.

M19 Gold Camo

Original Post: It looks like longshots are going to be the bane of our existence with the M19 and getting the Gold Pistols in general.

We only have 1 patterns left to complete for the M19 Gold as of 2/14.

  • Splinter – Longshots (need about 16 more…)
  • Reptile – Kills with 0 Attachments (this one’s easy, just haven’t focused on it) (DONE)
  • Skulls – Almost done, will easily unlock when I finish the Reptile pattern (DONE)

That leaves the dreaded Splinter Pattern (Longshots). I’m not sure what they were thinking making longshots and Pistols a thing. I would have rather had Point Blank, forcing you to get up in someone’s face, than trying to pick people off with a pistol at distance. I think what’s more annoying is that there’s pretty much no way I’m going to get Longshots with Akimbo, so we’ll have to go back scoping people from a distance…

Anyway, we’re almost there. Can’t wait for my Akimbo Gold M19 Red Dwarf pistols with the Red Tracer rounds… should be a lot of fun.

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