Cyberpunk 2077 Attributes, Skills and Perks

Cyberpunk 2077 offers massive character customization. Primary to character customization within Cyerpunk 2077 is the development of your attributes, skills and perks. In Cyberpunk 2077, Attributes, Skills and Perks are what allow you to specifically customize the traits and skills your character builds during the game. If you want to skip to a particular section, click the link below. Additionally, there is Cyberware, if you are looking for Cyberware, we will have a different page for that.

Cyberpunk 2077 Attributes

Each character has 5 primary attributes, Body, Reflexes, Cool, Intelligence and Tech Ability. Each of these attributes have 2 or 3 Skills, and each Skill has anywhere from 17-25 additional perks which give different boosts and abilities to your Character.

Tech Ability

Let’s take a look now in more detail at each of these Attributes:


Body determines your raw physical power. In addition to allowing you to force open doors,

Body determines your raw physical power. In addition to allowing you to force open doors, each level of Body (starting from level 3) will:

  • Add 5 Health and 3 Stamina points
  • Increase damage with fists and Gorilla Arms by 3
  • Increase damage with melee weapons by 1.5%
  • Decrease movement penalty while grabbing an enemy and wielding an HMG by 6%
  • Increase movement while grappling an enemy and enemy grapple duration by 5 sec. 
  • Skills: Athletics, Annihilation, Street Brawler


Reflexes determine your reaction speed.

Reflexes determine your reaction speed.

  • They directly effect your Evasion, with each level increasing your chance to avoid enemy attacks by 1%
  • Reflexes also increase Crit Chance by 1% and Mantis Blade damage by 3% per level as well as improving your overall attack speed and movement speed.
  • This Attribute affects your overall proficiency with Rifles, Pistols and Revolvers.
  • Your level in Reflexes also slightly affects how quickly you gain experience for related skills.
  • Skills: Assault, Handguns, Blades


Cyberpunk 2077 Attribute: Cool determines your resilience, composure and effectiveness in operating from stealth.

Cool determines your resilience, composure and effectiveness in operating from stealth. Each level of Cool will:

  • Increase Crit Damage by 2%
  • Increases all Resistances by 1%
  • Increase stealth damage by 10%
  • Reduce the speed at which enemies detect you in stealth by 0.5%
  • Increase monowire damage by 3.
  • Skills: Stealth, Cold Blood


Intelligence determines your net-running proficiency.

Intelligence determines your net-running proficiency. Every level of Intelligence will do the following for your character:

  • Increase cyberdeck RAM capacity by 4%
  • Increases quick-hack damage by 0.5%
  • Increase quick-hack duration by 1%.
  • Skills: Quickhacking, Breach Protocol

To see more information about Breach Protocol and Quickhacking, check out our detailed Intelligence Page.

Tech Ability

Technical Ability determines how much of a tech specialist you are.

Technical Ability determines how much of a tech specialist you are.

  • It improves your proficiency in crafting items (especially weapons), as well as your proficiency with Tech weapons and effectiveness against drones, mechs and robots in combat.
  • Each level increases your Armor by 5%.
  • Your Technical Ability also unlocks unique dialogue options and opens new pathways for you around the world.
  • Skills: Crafting, Engineering

It is clear that there is an immense amount of customization within Cyberpunk 2077. Attributes, Skills and Perks are what allow you to specifically customize the traits and skills your character builds during the game. With 5 Attributes, 12 Skills and 235+ Perks, the abilities to develop whatever type of Character you want in Night City are Endless.