Warzone Tactical Map

In order to have success in Warzone, you need to have a good understanding of Tactical Map, the locations, and the key points within those locations. This page, will get you to the other pages within the Tactical Map series which will breakdown the locations and where the points of interest are within the various sectors and zones.

Warzone Tactical Map

Let’s start with a map overview and the 5 sectors of the map.

Warzone Tactical Map with Sectors and Zones. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Overview of the Tactical Map and the 5 Sectors, with the Zones.

The 5 Sectors of Warzone

1. Verdansk North

From the frozen lakes and snow-covered hills surrounding Gora Dam to the massive excavation scars of the Karst River Quarry, North Sector is both remote and inhospitable.

2. Verdansk West

A large flood plain of commercial structures, residential high-rise tenement blocks, and two graveyards (one filled with the long-dead, the other with plane parts). The main airport is also here, and ablaze.

3. Verdansk Southwest

Once a hub of activity for both commuters and homeowners, Southwest Sector features many notable landmarks, as well as out-of-the-way places. Learn the lay of the land all the way to the southern coast.

4. Verdansk Central and South

Visit Central and South Sector to take in the sights, sounds, and sniping positions of Downtown area of Tavorsk District. Close by is the massive soccer stadium, close to a TV Station. Welcome to urban warfare.

5. Verdansk East

The entire eastern region of Verdansk is mainly given over to agricultural and lumber farming, as well as the main sea port. But journey further south through East Sector, and the formidable walls of the Zordaya Prison Complex loom into view.  

We will get into much more detail about each of the sectors on the Sector Pages, click the Sector above to visit that Sector’s Page.

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Note that Activision has a very detailed Strategy Guide on their Call of Duty site where we pulled this information from. Check out that site for additional details on the Tactical Map.